Thursday, July 18, 2024

Beagle Crisis: ORBAT of Chilean Northern Forces

Chilean ORBAT in the North of the Country

By the end of 1978, the Chilean armed forces were organized and prepared for potential conflict due to the tensions with Argentina. In the north of the country, Chile's military deployment included several key operational units across the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Here’s a list of these units based on the available information:

Chilean Army (Ejército de Chile)

The Chilean Army's northern command was responsible for defending the northern regions, which are strategic due to their proximity to Peru and Bolivia.

  1. 1st Army Division (Primera División del Ejército)

    • 1st Armored Brigade (Primera Brigada Blindada)
    • 1st Infantry Brigade (Primera Brigada de Infantería)
    • 1st Artillery Group (Primer Grupo de Artillería)
    • 1st Cavalry Regiment (Regimiento de Caballería Blindada Nº 1 "Granaderos")
    • 1st Engineering Regiment (Regimiento de Ingenieros Nº 1 "Atacama")
    • 1st Communications Battalion (Batallón de Comunicaciones Nº 1)
  2. 2nd Army Division (Segunda División del Ejército)

    • 2nd Infantry Brigade (Segunda Brigada de Infantería)
    • 2nd Armored Brigade (Segunda Brigada Blindada)
    • 2nd Artillery Group (Segundo Grupo de Artillería)
    • 2nd Cavalry Regiment (Regimiento de Caballería Blindada Nº 2 "Cazadores")
    • 2nd Engineering Regiment (Regimiento de Ingenieros Nº 2 "Puente Alto")
    • 2nd Communications Battalion (Batallón de Comunicaciones Nº 2)

Chilean Air Force (Fuerza Aérea de Chile)

The Chilean Air Force had several squadrons and air bases in the northern regions to provide air defense and support.

  1. Air Group No. 7 (Grupo de Aviación Nº 7)

    • Base Aérea Cerro Moreno (Cerro Moreno Air Base), Antofagasta
    • Aircraft: F-5E Tiger II, T-37 Tweet trainers, and A-37 Dragonfly light attack aircraft
  2. Air Group No. 8 (Grupo de Aviación Nº 8)

    • Base Aérea Los Cóndores (Los Cóndores Air Base), Iquique
    • Aircraft: F-5E Tiger II, T-37 Tweet trainers, and A-37 Dragonfly light attack aircraft

Chilean Navy (Armada de Chile)

The Chilean Navy maintained a presence in the northern coastal areas, although its primary focus was on the central and southern regions. Naval assets in the north were mainly for coastal defense and patrol duties.

  1. Fourth Naval Zone (Cuarta Zona Naval)
    • Naval Base Iquique
    • Patrol Boats and Coastal Defense Units
    • Naval Infantry Detachments


The key operational units of the Chilean armed forces in the north of the country by the end of 1978 included:

  • Army Units: 1st and 2nd Army Divisions with their respective brigades, regiments, and support units.
  • Air Force Units: Air Group No. 7 at Cerro Moreno Air Base and Air Group No. 8 at Los Cóndores Air Base, with aircraft including F-5E Tiger II, T-37 Tweet, and A-37 Dragonfly.
  • Navy Units: Fourth Naval Zone with coastal defense assets and naval infantry detachments.

These units were tasked with defending the northern regions of Chile and ensuring readiness in case of escalation with Argentina or any other regional threat.

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