Chronicle of Terrorist Attacks in Argentina during 1973 - Part 2:
On October 6, 1975, during a period of turmoil in Argentina, three National Executive Power (Poder Ejecutivo Nacional) Decrees were issued provisionally under Italo Luder's authority, as President María E. Martínez was facing a nervous breakdown. These decrees authorized the Armed Forces to conduct military and security operations aimed at eradicating the actions of subversive elements throughout the country.
Notably, among the cabinet ministers who signed these decrees were Carlos Ruckauf and Antonio Cafiero. However, it is worth mentioning that this particular Decree is not referenced beyond 1984. In later years, these events came to be referred to as "the alleged war of the armed forces" or even described as a "hunt for innocent rabbits," as stated by lawyer Moreno Ocampo.

YEAR 1973:
01-7-73: FAR carries out an arson attack on the MINIMAX Supermarket in Munro.
01-10-73: ERP seizes a train traveling in Santa Fe, delivering a revolutionary harangue to the mostly railway workshop workers on board.
01-12-73: ERP takes over the LUJÁN motorcycle factory in Córdoba. Throughout January 1973, various terrorist organizations carry out execution-type attacks, resulting in the murder of nine policemen.
02-19-73: ERP takes over the Communications Battalion 141 in Cordoba, stealing a large number of weapons, including machine guns, automatic rifles, machine pistols, grenade launchers, and semi-automatic pistols. The entry was facilitated by a conscript who was a member of the terrorist organization.
03-11-73: The Peronist candidate Campora wins the elections with 49.7% of the votes. Subsequently, the attacks are seen as an obvious provocation aimed at preventing the smooth handover of power by the authorities of the outgoing military government, providing pretexts for continuing armed revolutionary actions.
03-19-73: FAR carries out an attack with explosives at the home of the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, UNLP.
03-25-73: ERP takes over the Atucha Nuclear Power Plant in Buenos Aires.
03-28-73: ERP takes over a classroom at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNLP, using it as a platform for terrorist indoctrination.
03-30-73: ERP attempts to attack the Libertad building - Navy Command in the Federal Capital with explosives. However, the bomb explodes prematurely in a bathroom, killing conscript Julio Provenzano, who was a member of the terrorist organization.
04-01-73: ERP kidnaps Rear Admiral D. Francisco A. Alemán, but he is later released.
04-06-73: ERP attacks with explosives at the home of Dr. Roberto Etchepareborda, Rector of the Universidad del Sur in Bahía Blanca.
04-08-73: ERP kidnaps Executive Víctor Bricombe for extortion, demanding a ransom of $1,360,000.
04-18-73: An UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION carries out an attack with explosives at the home of a professor at the University of Rosario.
04-24-73: ERP takes over Liceo Señoritas No. 1 in the Federal Capital, addressing students with harangues, pamphleteering, and hoisting an ERP flag.
04-26-73: ERP kidnaps Jacobo Nasif, the Main Commander of the Gendarmerie's Northwest Region. The ERP distributes his photograph with a communiqué announcing the death sentence of the Secretary General of the CGT, Ignacio José Rucci. However, it was MONTONEROS who assassinated Rucci later, following orders from their highest leadership.
04-30-73: ERP assassinates Admiral D. Hermes Quijada. During the attack, one of the terrorists, Víctor José Fernandez Palmeiro, is killed by a plainclothes policeman who intervenes.
05-05-73: ERP seizes and places a terrorist flag in the Faculty of Philosophy of Rosario.
05-07-73: ERP takes over ENET No. 2 of San Nicolás, addressing students with harangues and pamphleteering.
05-08-73: An UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION carries out an attack with explosives at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Corrientes.
05-22-73: ERP assaults the Faculty of Architecture of the Rosario University, stealing printing materials.
05-22-73: MONTONEROS assassinates Peronist trade unionist Dirk Kloosterman, General Secretary of S.M.A.T.A., in the Province of Buenos Aires.
05-22-73: MONTONEROS fails in an attempted kidnapping of a SWIFT company executive, Mr. Volinsky.
05-23-73: MONTONEROS assassinates Mr. Luis Giovanelli, an executive of the FORD company, who succumbs to his injuries days after the attack.
05-23-73: ERP kidnaps Executive Bellinson, one of the managers of the BABIC company, for extortion.
05-24-73: ERP attacks with explosives on the Director's home of the Institute of Computing, in Santiago del Estero.
05-25-73: President Cámpora assumes the government, and all the events mentioned thereafter, until 3/24/76, occurred during Peronist governments constitutionally elected by the citizens. Cámpora was elected with 49.7% of the votes, and Perón received 62% support.
05-29-73: FAR releases the kidnapped businessman Enrique Fridman, manager of the company MECANICA LANIN, after paying a ransom.
06-02-73: FAR releases the kidnapped businessman Oscar Castell, manager of the COCA COLA company, after paying a ransom.
06-02-73: ERP takes over the BONELLI metallurgical company in Córdoba, stealing weapons.
06-04-73: FAR assassinates the Peronist trade union leader Pascual Almada.
06-06-73: ERP takes over School No. 52 of La Plata, engaging in harangue and pamphleteering.
06-06-73: ERP launches an armed attack against the Radioelectric Command headquarters in MERLO, Buenos Aires, with the terrorist Luis Castrogiovanni being seriously wounded in the combat.
06-06-73: Luis Castrogiovanni dies and is veiled in the Faculty of Architecture of the UBA.
06-06-73: ERP kidnaps Executive Carlos Lockwood for extortion (ransom $2,300,000).
06-09-73: ERP takes over a radio broadcasting station in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, broadcasting Marxist revolutionary proclamations.
06-12-73: UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION attacks with explosives at the home of a UNLP professor.
06-13-73: ERP takes over the SCAC company, stealing weapons.
06-15-73: ERP seizes the family home of an executive from the company DALMINE SIDERCA in Campana. The house is mined and partially blown up with explosives.
06-15-73: ERP takes over the company DULESNEA in La Plata, stealing milk.
06-18-73: ERP kidnaps the executive of the FIRESTONE company, John Thompson, in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, and a ransom of one million dollars is paid.
06-18-73: ERP takes over the INCOMET company in Rosario, with hostage-taking among the managers.
06-19-73: ERP assaults a police patrol car, stealing weapons and injuring a policeman.
06-20-73: EZEIZA massacre occurs during the mass reception of Perón's final return to the country, where MONTONEROS and FAR confront ARMED GROUPS OF THE PERONIST EXTREME RIGHT and the PERONIST UNIONS. More than five hundred people are estimated dead and wounded after hours of confused shootings and skirmishes.
06-20-73: ERP attacks the General Güemes Police Detachment, Province of Buenos Aires.
06-20-73: ERP attacks and sets fire to the home of businessman Mr. Blois, Province of Buenos Aires.
06-25-73: ERP takes over a classroom at the Faculty of Architecture of Rosario, engaging in harangue.
06-25-73: ERP takes over the company ESTELA in San Nicolás, Buenos Aires.
06-25-73: ERP murders the deputy Alberto Armesto.
06-25-73: ERP attacks with explosives at the homes of the FIAT company executives, Messrs. Mario Rébora and Daniel Pacheco.
06-25-73: FAR kidnaps the merchant Mr. José Sigüeza for extortion.
06-26-73: MONTONEROS kidnaps Liliana Aerin and Mirta Rubin for extortion and releases them after ransom payment.
06-26-73: FAR kidnaps businessman Mr. Alberto Mazzarella for extortion.
06-28-73: ERP assaults the Catholic University of Córdoba, stealing typewriters and microscopes.
07-12-73: MONTONEROS kidnaps Executive Carlos Pulenta for extortion (ransom $920,000).
06-13-73: Under pressure exerted by Perón, orthodox Peronism, and Justicialist unions, President Cámpora and Vice Solano Lima resign due to the total chaos prevailing in the country and the government. Lastiri takes office, and new presidential elections are called.
07-23-73: FAR attacks with explosives on the University Pavilion in Córdoba.
07-28-73: ERP takes over Provincial Schools No. 117 and 527 in Santa Fe, engaging in harangue and pamphleteering.
08-01-73: MONTONEROS attacks with explosives at the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA.
08-05-73: ERP assassinates the Official Inspector General Hugo Tomagnini in Tucumán.
08-25-73: MONTONEROS issues a proclamation against the Peronist government, inciting the revolutionary seizure of power.
09-06-73: ERP attacks and takes over the Army Health Command in the Federal Capital, with the aim of stealing existing weapons. Conscript soldier Hernán Invernizzi, son of the psychologist and "progressive" militant Eva Giberti, acted as a handover for his comrades. In the attack on the guard, Lieutenant Eduardo Rusch and conscript soldier Osvaldo Dedged are injured, they came to reclaim the recently lost colony. The successful operations to regain control of the Command were executed by the forces of the Patricios Regiment, led by Second Chief Lieutenant Colonel Raúl Duarte Hardoy, who valiantly fought in the most perilous position and ultimately perished in combat. It remains uncertain if the new Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires will honor him by including his name on the proposed new monument along the Costanera Norte. The monument, seemingly designated for one side only, intends to commemorate the terrorists who fell during the civil war of the seventies.
On 09-11-73, MONTONEROS carried out an explosive attack on the Faculty of Law at the UBA. Subsequently, on 09-23-73, the presidential formula Perón-Perón emerged victorious, securing 62% of the votes. However, on the same day, MONTONEROS struck again, assassinating Lt. 1st Fernando Cativa Tolosa in Mar del Plata.
A significant event occurred on 09-25-73 when MONTONEROS executed the assassination of the General Secretary of the CGT, the Peronist José Ignacio Rucci, through a hail of bullets. This brazen act was undertaken as a direct challenge to Perón, as it took place merely two days after his election. The operation, ordered by the highest leadership, involved meticulous intelligence work spanning five months, culminating in locating one of the safe houses where the threatened Rucci spent his nights. With careful planning, they rented the house across the street and waited for his arrival on the night of the 24th. The assassination group, led by N.G. Thomas, carried out the fatal attack the next morning when Rucci left the house. The multiple bullet impacts on his body led MONTONEROS to ironically codename the operation "OPERATION TRAVIATA," drawing a connection to the numerous holes in a cookie. This event exposed MONTONEROS' true ideology, resulting in a loss of support from the justicialist masses, ultimately paving the way for their eventual military defeat.
The interception and deception of police communications were expertly managed by Chief Officer Marcelo Kurlat, N.G. MONRA, while the crucial prior intelligence tasks were undertaken by the Information field, led by First Officer N.G. Esteban, legal Rodolfo Walsh. Walsh, now recognized as a "brilliant writer and defender of human rights," was tragically killed in combat in 1977. His name now adorns various university lecture halls, literary awards, and a small square in the Federal Capital, at the intersection of Chile and Peru streets.
It raises an intriguing question: will Rucci's name be placed alongside Walsh's on the future monument along the north coast? What would the Peronist workers say if they were aware of this tragic irony? The Peronist union leaders may have been aware, but memories can be tactically flexible and selective, guided by personal interests, of course."

Journalist and terrorist Rodolfo Walsh, intelligence chief officer of Montoneros terrorist group.
09-26-73: Assassination of the Peronist politician Enrique Grinberg, as he left his home in the Federal Capital.
09-27-73: FAR, attacks with explosives in Schools No. 1 and 2 of Mar del Plata.
09-27-73: MONTONEROS, attacks with explosives in the Faculties of Dentistry and Pharmacy - Biochemistry.
09-27-73: ERP, takeover of School No. 7 of Zárate.
09-27-73: FAR, attack with explosives in the Faculty of Law of the UBA.
09-28-73: ERP, takeover of School No. 20 of San Nicolás.
The month of October 1973 marks the beginning of a series of periodic sporadic attacks, primarily targeting surface organizations associated with terrorist groups and, in a few cases, left-wing politicians unrelated to terrorism. Each incident is self-attributed to an alleged far-right organization called AAA, which, however, is widely believed never to have existed, though it contributed to the exacerbation of institutional chaos.
These actions were isolated and impulsive, carried out by a few small groups comprising right-wing military, police, students, and mainly Peronist trade unionists. They were emotionally and anarchically reacting to the perceived total passivity of judges and state security agencies, which created an environment of total impunity for the Marxist terrorists—many of whom had been recently released en masse by the National Congress.
The only common thread among these incidents was the use of the initials AAA in the messages left after each event. If Lopez Rega's custodians were indeed involved in some cases, they should simply be included in the overall chaotic picture, as the said minister could not have directed a non-existent clandestine organization.
10-10-73: Groups presumed to be AAA attack radical senator Hipólito Solari Irigoyen, a member of the most left-wing faction within the party. He is known as a defense lawyer for ERP terrorists and publicly suspected of being involved in an organization.
10-08-73: ERP takes over School No. 389 in Rosario.
10-17-73: ERP takes over the Córdoba University Dining Hall.
10-18-73: ERP takes over the National College of La Plata.
10-19-73: MONTONEROS attack with explosives at National School No. 2 in Rosario.
10-22-73: ERP takes over the Ricardo Palma Educational Institute.
10-30-73: ERP takes over the Faculty of Architecture in La Plata.
11-08-73: MONTONEROS takes over the School of Social Assistants.
09-11-73: ERP kidnaps Peronist trade union leader Pedro Saucedo for extortion.
11-10-73: FAR attacks with explosives at the home of the Rector of the National University of Rosario.
11-14-73: ERP takes over the Manuel Dorrego Higher School of Commerce in Córdoba.
11-15-73: ERP takes over an Elementary School in Tucumán.
11-17-73: ERP kidnaps the General Manager of the BANK OF LONDON, E. Niborg Anderson.
11-24-73: MONTONEROS attacks with explosives at the Gral. Belgrano de Merlo National College.
11-29-73: ERP takes over the ALAS ARGENTINAS Elementary School in Córdoba.
12-06-73: ERP kidnaps high executive of the company ESSO, Víctor Samuelson, for extortion.
12-14-73: MONTONEROS takes over the University Dining Hall of the U.N. del Noroeste.
12-22-73: An unknown individual murders student Tomás Guillermo Burns at the University of Córdoba.