Escuadrón de Comunicaciones Blindado I
Armored Communications Squadron I
By Sergio Toyos
Esc Com Bl 1
Commander Name: Major Carlos Horacio Martín
Address: Pujol s/n - 7000 TANDIL (Buenos Aires)

It remained this way until March 1, 1955, when it moved to Curuzú Cuatía, a town where the Armored Cavalry Command was concentrated, with several units located in nearby towns. Five years later, under the same name and dependency, it returned to its old barracks in Campo de Mayo, where it would remain until the end of 1964. That year, as a result of the major restructuring that took place in the Army, the Armored Communications Company 1 It was dissolved, giving rise to the creation of the 1st Armored Communications Squadron (dependent on the 1st Armored Cavalry Brigade Command) which moved to the town of Tandil where it remains to this day. Currently, this independent subunit has M113 armored vehicles, specially adapted to serve as a base for the communications equipment that keeps the entire I Armored Brigade linked. Other materials are located on wheeled vehicles that contribute to maintaining versatile mobility. and all-terrain capability for the communications support needs of this Large Combat Unit it serves

The 1st Armored Communications Squadron will provide telecomputing support to the First Armored Brigade during the development of on-demand operations, through the installation, operation and maintenance of the facilities that make up the Campaign Communications Subsystem, eventually the fixed Communications Subsystem of the Brigade, to facilitate command and control and the transfer of information, in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of the Great Combat Unit.

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