“Ice Radar Operators”

Known by this name, the CIC Squadron, which is part of the Río Gallegos Military Air Base, maintains permanent control of the airspace under national jurisdiction.
Composed of twelve radar operators, including officers and non-commissioned officers, the CIC Squadron (Control and Information Center) belonging to the Río Gallegos Military Air Base, works every day to maintain control of Argentine airspace.
Under the command of Major Gabriel Eduardo Torres, it receives support from the Communications Group III and the Southern Air Region (RASU), maintaining permanent communication with the Aerospace Surveillance and Control Center (CeVyCA), the radar operator's governing unit.
Unlike the surveillance sectors in the north of our country, which operate in Resistencia (Chaco) and Posadas (Misiones) controlling illegal flights in that area, the CIC Squadron fulfills the surveillance function of the bordering part of southern Argentina, focusing on the defense of national sovereignty.
It carries out control tasks when airmobile squadrons arrive at the Base.
Thanks to the excellent relationship that this Air Base has with the Rio Gallegos community, support was obtained from the Provincial Road Authority and a fiber optic network was installed that significantly improved data transmission.
The radar has a range of about 220 nautical miles, approximately 440 kilometers, at 360º, and this allows monitoring of almost the entire provinces of Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.
At the same time, while detecting the different flights, this information is sent to the Information and Control Center located at CeVyCA.
Due to the inclement weather in this region of the country, the radar antenna is protected with a radome, allowing its correct performance and preserving its operational life.
The Base also has a bunker next to the radar and a simulator to train personnel.
Known as “Ice Radarists” and continuing the tradition of the “Ice Warriors” who operated in the 10th Fighter Squadron of the former 10th Air Brigade, currently the Río Gallegos Military Air Base, the CIC Squadron works tirelessly to improve day by day, providing operational support and logistical support, making it possible for the radar to cover the entire south of our country.
“I have to highlight the dedication and professionalism of each of the people who make up this Squadron, who work uninterruptedly throughout the year, managing to cover and cover all functions satisfactorily. The truth is that what the staff does is impressive” - said Major Torres proudly.

Source: FAA