ARA San Luis War Patrol - 1982
Source: Malvinas: Tras los submarinos ingleses
Lieutenant Commander Ricardo Alessandrini, Chief of Armaments and Lieutenant Alejandro Maegli, Chief of Communications

The ship's crew at the end of the 1982 naval year

Lieutenant Commander Alessandrini, in a wet suit, ready to check some noises coming from the free movement area of the submarine

Lieutenant Commander Alessandrini, Lieutenant Commander Luis Seghezzi, Corvettte Captain Macías y Lieutenant Maegli

Lieutenant Commander Jorge Dacharry, Electricity Chief, LC Seghezzi, Navegation Chief y Lieutennat Maegli

Lieutenant Commander Maegli (in the periscope) y Lieutenant Fernando María Azcueta, Submarine Commander

The Commander, Frigate Captain Azcueta, harangues the crew, once the decision to return to port has been made.

Part of the crew of the San Luis, shortly after returning to port

The commander of the Submarine Force reviews the crew of the submarine, as soon as it arrives in port

Damián Riveros
Malvinas: Tras los submarinos ingleses
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