Saturday, February 10, 2024

Argentine Aviation Army: The Grumman OV-1C/D AE-021


The Grumman OV-1C/D AE-021

In conjunction with a re-equipment program of the Argentine Army Aviation, as a result of the lessons left by the war over the Malvinas Islands, the Mohawk SDARM (Weapons System) was gradually withdrawn from the US ARMY, giving the possibility of acquiring a batch of 23 aircraft of the OV-1C and D type to this country in order to supply this weapon.

Thus, in 1992, the affected cells in the United States began to be selected, for which purpose a group of troops was commissioned with the then Major Horacio Sabin Paz in charge.

Of these aircraft, the first to arrive in the country would be those registered AE-020 and AE-021, the first of which had (and has) dual command.

The aircraft that concerns us today is the one that carried Bu/No 68-15932, which saw the light for the first time when it left the Grumman factory in January 1969, its original standard being that of OV-1C, converted to the D model in December 1974, carrying the Motorola AN/APS 94 SLAR radar, which was removed before its delivery to our army.

After a brief stint at NASA in 1983, he was sent to the 224Th MI BN, where he remained stored for a long period, his last Criew Chief in the US being Lt (Lieutenant) Mathewson.

He was permanently discharged in the United States in April 1993, despite which his administrative discharge was some time earlier, since his shipment by ferry flight to our country ended in December 1992, with a North American crew.

It enters in service in the "Escuadrón de Aviación Exploración y Reconocimiento 601" in December 1992, a unit in which he remained during his brief career in our country, being the first OV-1 with simple command to arrive in the country (the AE- 020 had it originally).

In 1999 he was transferred to reserve status in the "Batallón de Abastecimiento y Mantenimiento de Aeronaves 601", and his discharge was decided that same year. Finally, it was destined as a monument, for which it was thoroughly cannibalized, preserving the engines and propellers, remaining since August 1999 in the "Historical Museum of the Argentine Army", located in the town of Ciudadela in fair condition. (Carlos Pellegrini and Father Elizalde Ciudadela)

The AE-021 in NASA 

The OV-1D Mohawk number 67-15932 was used in 1983 as a test bed for tests carried out jointly between NASA and the US Army within the framework of the USAAEFA program in order to develop and evaluate a new loss warning system. , and dangerous excess or decrease in speed. The system designed by NASA presented both the indicated speed and the stall speed in the same integrated instrument, it also incorporated a voice synthesizer that produced a verbal alert that indicated possible risk situations. Visual information of an imminent stall was presented to the pilot as a cursor or pointer located on the conventional speedometer.
The indicated speed and the stall speed were computed in real time, taking various parameters of the airplane's aerodynamics.
When the system was ready, it was installed on the Mohawk and tested for less than 20 flight hours, enough time to calibrate the system and determine the aircraft's loss coefficients. Then these data obtained during the tests were uploaded into the system software and another 10 hours of flight were carried out where the device was satisfactorily evaluated. All flights were carried out by US Army pilots, not from the Dryden base where NASA normally conducts its tests but from a US Army base.

Hangar Digital

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Argentina-Chile Naval Race: 1890-1905 (2/13)

Naval Race between Argentina and Chile, 1890-1905

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4

What was happening on the other side of the Cordillera?

As in all countries that wanted to emancipate themselves from Spanish power, at the beginning of the War of Independence, Chile did not have any warships, much less suitable crews for them. Given the above, the territorial defense plan did not involve a political policy at all. naval but to defeat the Spanish army on land 1.

Viceroy Abascal highlighted the Warren Frigates in Valparaíso, with the purpose of blocking the port, in order to boycott the insurgents' trade. It should be noted that Chile had declared free trade in its ports for all ships in the world.

José Miguel Carrera wrote to Francisco de La Lastra (governor of Valparaíso), with the aim of putting some ships under arms and lifting the blockade. This request, at the cost of efforts (popular spending, credits, etc.), managed to equip two named ships. like Perla and Potrillo 2, part of the weapons used were from a Portuguese merchant ship, which were seized by the government of Chile 3.

It was thought that once the blockade was broken, the “Chilean Fleet” could join the Argentine corsairs and harass Callao, but this did not happen, once both ships set sail, the Perla joined the Warren and both They attack Potrillo, thus ending the attempts to provide Chile with a squadron, during the Patria Vieja, the above happened on May 2, 1813.

Towards 1813 the United States and England were at war, given the above, the United States sent the frigate Essex to the South Pacific with the mission of harassing the English whalers that operated in this water. Thanks to this, Chile's trade benefited due to that the Essex's prizes were traded in Valparaíso, a situation that ended a year later when the Essex was captured by an English fleet 4.

Thanks to the Argentine privateers, the transportation of cargo from the Viceroyalty of Peru to Chile suffered setbacks, which hindered the military deployments of the Governor of Chile Marco Del Pont. In this way, added to Rodríguez's actions on land, it was possible for the Spanish army to It will be dispersed throughout the territory, facilitating the task of crossing the Andes to San Martín 5.

After the triumph of the Andes Army in Chacabuco, thanks to a stroke of audacity, the then Argentine Ensign Isidoro Suárez, captured the Spanish brig Águila 6 in Valparaíso, being incorporated as the first unit into the nascent Chilean navy, and was armed with 16 cannons and placed in the hands of the Irishman Raimundo Morris rescued the patriotic prisoners imprisoned on Juan Fernández Island. On January 16, 1818, O'Higgins and Minister Zenteno promulgated the decree allowing the promotion of roe deer patents 7.

After the patriotic triumph in the battle of Chacabuco, San Martín as commander in chief of the army of the Andes and O'Higgins as supreme director of Chile together with his minister of war and navy José Ignacio Zenteno dedicated themselves to the task of creating an navy With the objective of disputing the sea with the Spanish crown, for this purpose emissaries were sent abroad and ships and other equipment were acquired. The ships acquired were the Navío San Martín (64 guns), Frigate Lautaro (46 guns), Corvette Chacabuco ( 20 guns), Brigantín Araucano (16 guns), with these ships the capture of the frigate María Isabel and the other transports was carried out, this happened on October 28, 1818 8.

At the end of 1818, Thomas A. Cochrane, a Scot, arrived in Valparaíso to take charge of the nascent squadron. I will not detail the naval actions of this period given its length and because it is not relevant in this part of the forum.

The Chilean squadron then consisted of nine warships; but on August 10, the brig Pueyrredón was dispatched in charge of Captain Don Guillermo Prunier to take the most complicated individuals in the April conspiracy to the coast of New Granada, and the corvette Chacabuco was destined to remain in Valparaíso, under the command of Captain Juan José Tortel. The ships that were on the expedition were the following 9:

Almirante O 'Higgins Frigate

Cannons: 50
Crew: 516
Commander: Tomás Crosby

San Martín Ship

Cannons: 64
Crew: 492
Commander: Guillermo Wilkinson

Frigate Lautaro

Cannons: 50
Crew: 353
Commander: Martín Jorge Guise

Independencia Corvette

Cannons: 28
Crew: 256
Commander: Roberto Forster

Araucano Brigantine

Cannons: 16
Crew: 106
Commander: Tomás Carter

Brig Galvarino

Cannons: 18
Crew: 114
Commander: Juan Spry

Schooner Moctezuma

Cannons: 7
Crew: 87
Commander: Juan Esmonds

Cochrane left Chile in January 1823 and the ships of the squadron were demobilized from service. To face the Chiloé campaigns he found it necessary to hastily arm the ships and when Chiloé fell into the hands of Chile (beginning of 1826, last Spanish redoubt in America), the entire squadron was declared disarmed.

Given the poverty of the national treasury, in April 1826, the frigate María Isabel Maria Isabel (O'Higgins) and the corvettes Independencia and Chacabuco were put up for sale, being acquired by Argentina due to the urgency of the war they were fighting with Brazil over the Banda Oriental (Cisplatina), only the Chacabuco arrived in Buenos Aires but its condition was poor, the others sank in Talcahuano (Independencia), and Cape Horn (Maria Isabel) 10.

It should be noted that given the tremendous economic efforts for Chile to face the liberation expedition of Peru, the maintenance of the ships was deficient and the sailors were unpaid. By mid-1826, the squadron was disarmed and the naval school closed, leaving only the brig Aquiles in operational status.

The navy would only emerge again in 1836 before the war against the Peru-Bolivian confederation (1836-1839), when it began it only had the Brig Aquiles and the Schooner Colo Colo, then this fleet was increased by 5 more ships, given the capture of the boat Santa Cruz, the brig Arequipeño and the schooner Peruviana in Callao, plus the capture of General Freire of the frigate Monteagudo, brig Orbegoso 11.

Once the conflict was over, the squad again declared disarmament, maintaining only a few units for the needs of the service. In 1843, President General Manuel Bulnes Prieto (Who directed the 1838 campaign against the Peru-Bolivia confederation), ordered Captain Juan Guillermos to took possession of the Strait of Magellan, at that time Juan Guillermos was maritime governor of Chiloé, in the city of Ancud, he dedicated himself to the construction of a schooner (which would be named Ancud), to carry out the requested undertaking.

It is not the topic of the present to address the border disputes between Chile and Argentina but, as the topic indicates, to address the arms race between Chile and Argentina between the 19th century until the May Pacts, the above is only due to a very brief historical review of the navies of both countries.

Between the years 1840 and 1863, the Chilean navy experienced a great decline, a powerful ship was commissioned from France but it was built with poor materials so its useful life was short (Chile Frigate).

During that period there were not enough funds to order the construction of steamships. Given the lack, the decision was made to build them in Chile precisely in the Constitución and Valparaíso shipyards. In 1852, the corvette Esmeralda was commissioned in England (which was sunk in the Naval Battle). of Iquique in 1879), in this way at the beginning of the war with Spain (1864-1866), Chile only had the Esmeralda and the Vapor Maipú (strictly speaking, only the Esmeralda was a warship), in the face of this contingency and after the Chinchas Islands were taken in 1863, it was decided to commission the acquisition of the corvettes Chacabuco and O'Higgins, in 1865 the schooner Covadonga was captured and in 1866 two more corvettes were acquired (Abtao and Pampero), only the first of them arriving. , and Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna acquires in the United States 4 wheeled steamers called Poncas (Ñuble), Isabella (Concepción), Shaw Nork (Arauco) and Cheroke (Ancud) all in poor condition 12, this due to the failure of the negotiations for the acquisition of Dundemberg 13.

With the exception of the Abtao, none of these ships arrived for the war. At the end of the war, Chile had 9 naval units, viz.

Corvettes: Esmeralda, Abtao, Chacabuco and O`Higgins (these arrived in 1868).
Schooner: Virgin of Covadonga.
Steamers: Ñuble, Concepción, Arauco and Ancud.

The 4 steamers were lost in accidents or storms, in which their poor integrity was the fundamental cause.

So far I leave this brief review of the navy since its creation. From here on, a process of arms race between the republics of Chile and Argentina begins slowly but steadily, which would end momentarily with the pacts of May 1902.


1. El poder Naval y la Independencia de Chile, Donald E. Worcester, Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, 1971, Argentina, pagina 3. 
2. Breve Historia Naval de Chile, Carlos López Urrutia, Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, 1976, Argentina, pagina 27. 
3. Donald E. Worcester, obra citada, página 8 
4. Donald E. Worcester, obra citada, página 14 
5. Obras citadas de López Urrutia y Worcester y pagina web de la armada de Chile  
6. Biografías Argentina y Sudamericanas, Capitán de Fragata Jacinto R. Yaben, Editorial Metrópolis, talleres Gráficos Contreras, Argentina pagina 767. 
7. El libertador Bernardo O`Higgins Riquelme, editorial Lord Cochrane, Santiago, paginas 137-138

8. Breve Historia Naval de Chile, Carlos López Urrutia, Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, 1976, Argentina, paginas 36-38. 
9. Tomado textual del Tomo XII, Historia General de Chile, Diego Barros Arana, Editorial Universitaria – Centro de Estudios Diego Barros Arana, Santiago 2005, Página 456, segunda edición. 
10. La Armada de Chile: Desde la Alborada al Sesquicentenario (1813-1968), Rodrigo Fuenzalida Bade. Santiago, Chile: 1978, Empresa Periodística Aquí Está, Tomo II página 364-365. 
11. La Armada de Chile: Desde la Alborada al Sesquicentenario (1813-1968), Rodrigo Fuenzalida Bade. Santiago, Chile: 1978, Empresa Periodística Aquí Está, Tomo II página 399-402. 
12. La Guerra Entre España y las Republicas del Pacífico, Alfonso Cerda Catalán, Editorial Puerto de Palos, Chile páginas 219. 
13. 10 Months of Mission to the United States as Confidential Agent of Chile, Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, Imprenta de la Libertad, Santiago 1867, Volumes I and II, Volume II There is a report that Mackenna presented to the executive as an account of his mission, This report corresponds to Appendix V, in Volume I some details of the negotiations appear.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Malvinas: The Torpedo-bomber Variant of the IA-58 Pucará

The "Torpedo-bomber" IA-58 Pucará

In mid-May 1982, during the South Atlantic Conflict, the Strategic Air Command decided to carry out a series of test flights aimed at operationalizing the IA-58 Pucará system with the North American Mk 13 torpedo, practically deprogrammed by the Argentine Navy.

This torpedo, which had been produced between 1943 and 1945, was of a rather robust design and was designed for use from boats and airplanes. The Argentine Navy used it for several years, launching it at a speed of 165 km/h from Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina aircraft.

The person responsible for this project began at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. The Navy provided a sufficient number of torpedoes to which fastening elements were placed and the torpedo's own systems and mechanisms were put into service again, after a long time.

On May 21, 1982, the IA-58 Pucará AX-04 landed at the Comandante Espora Aeronaval Base, equipped with a video camera to record the moment the torpedo was launched, which would be placed in the central station of the plane.

The AX-04 Waiting for inspections before its flight with the torpedo already attached

On May 22, the first launch of the Mk 13 torpedo with an exercise head was carried out. The launch area selected by the Navy was located 65 kilometers from Puerto Belgrano. On the same day, a second launch was carried out. In its final run, the plane adopted a dive angle of 20º, a speed of 555 km/h and at an altitude of 100 meters it released the torpedo, which was destroyed on impact. The same thing happened the next day, although the launch was carried out with a dive angle of 45 degrees, 465 km/h and at a height of approximately 200 meters.

Photo taken by the central camera of Pucará AX-04

Tests showed that something was wrong with the torpedo after it was launched from an airplane. The Navy did not have operations manuals available for its aerial use, there was only information that the torpedo had to enter the water at an approximate angle of 20 degrees. If this angle was less, it would rebound, damaging the control and propulsion mechanisms, and if the angle was greater, there was a risk that the torpedo would become "stuck" to the bottom.

After making countless consultations with personnel who had been assigned to the torpedo workshop, the Mk 13 was fitted with an aerodynamic brake in the nose and a biplane horizontal stabilizer in the tail, additions that would be destroyed when the torpedo entered the water.

With these additions, on May 24, the first successful launches were carried out in the San José Gulf, Trelew. They were carried out from straight and level flight and at a height of 15 meters, determining the desired speed at 360 km/h, since at higher speeds the torpedo would collide with the seabed.

Seven tests were carried out, and on June 10, a launch with an explosive head was carried out in an area of deeper waters with a cliffed coast, located north of Puerto Santa Cruz, although the depth was not sufficient for the 465 km/h used, now by the Pucará A-566, which replaced the AX-04 in this launch.

Moments when the torpedo reached the cliffs

It was decided to make a last attempt on June 14 in the vicinity of Pingüino Island, near Puerto Deseado, selected for maximum depth and steep component of the coast, setting the final speed at 360 km/h, but this operation was canceled. definitely, while preparations for the launch were being made.

It is noteworthy that simultaneously with this project, studies were also carried out to drop, from the Pucará plane, Mk 12 anti-ship mines, planned to mine the San Carlos Strait in the Malvinas Islands. However, the hitching tests on the plane were not passed.

Brief history of the aircraft involved in the Pucará torpedo project

IA-58 AX-04 
Ex A-509. 
Discharged from FMA on July 5, 1977.
Discharged from  CEV on September 19, 1977.

IA-58 A A-566 
Discharge from FMA on November 17, 1981.
Registration of CEV on May 7, 1982.
Assigned to Squadron 4 Attack as a single-seater.
Transferred to Group 3 Attack.

Technical characteristics of the Mk 13 torpedo

Range: 5000 meters
Speed: 55 km/h
Ready weight for launch: 970 kilograms
Explosive charge (trotyl): 272 kilograms
Length: 4.10 meters
Diameter: 0.57 meters
Gyroscopic directional control
Maximum depth regulation: 15 meters
Propulsion: 2 counter-rotating propellers driven by a turbine (103 hp).

Friday, February 2, 2024

Argentine Navy: Navy Colonel Juan Bautista Thorne

Navy Colonel Juan Bautista THORNE

The Thornes had ancient recorded origins in Europe and North America. One of the Thornes was among the first to settle on American soil; Enrique, the father of Juan Bautista, a naval engineer by profession as a ship captain, fought for the independence of the United States. Juan Bautista, son of Margarita Brayer and Enrique, was born on March 8, 1807.

He enlisted in the Argentine Navy that, under the command of Brown, was preparing Rivadavia to defeat the power of the Brazilian empire in the waters of the Plata. Discharged from the squadron on June 1, 1826, he went on to review with the rank of Midshipman and pilot on the warship Congreso, placed under the command of Fournier, whom the Brazilian newspapers called "Exterminator Ray." Shortly afterwards, at the beginning of 1827, he was assigned to the brig Chacabuco, which under the command of Santiago J. Bynnon, later second commander of the Argentine fleet, came from Chile to join the original fleet and was later to fight the heroic defense of Patagones.

That March 7, 1827, in front of the river bar that the enemy ships had tried to cross and the coastal battery that Admiral Pinto Guedes had ordered to be destroyed, a glorious action would be fought for Argentine naval weapons. Commander Bynnon, with the Chacabuco and the ships of his squadron, at dusk set out to board the Brazilian ships; He took the Escudeiro, fell on the Constança, and the brave Thorne jumped first onto the deck of the Itaparica to triumphantly raise the Argentine flag. The action earned him command of the brig Patagones, armed with two cannons and an 18-gun revolving wheel, which on December 23, 1827 engaged in combat with the sixteen-gun Brazilian brig Pedro II and was surrendered, while Thorne was wounded. shrapnel was taken prisoner and taken to the capital of the empire, from where he returned when peace was made with Brazil in 1828.

Returning to service, he joined the brig Balcarce, which at the beginning of the war had been Brown's flagship. While there, he received the rank of captain on February 23, 1830, and then obtained several assignments: in February 1831, He was transferred to the schooner Martín García, in September 1832 he reached command of the brig Republicano with which he carried out the Entre Ríos campaign, upon whose return he was promoted to Sergeant Major. In the schooner Margarita he undertook the campaign to the Colorado River in 1833, and in order to assist in the expedition of Don Juan Manuel de Rosas, he explored said river in the schooner Sofía. The following year he was part of the exploration cruises to the southern regions, and alternately commanded the schooner brig San Martín, the brig Republicano and the lugger Patriota.

Designated Commander of the Sarandí, he was entrusted with the mission of assisting the defense of Martín García Island, a task he completed to be transferred to command of the land artillery of said island, where on October 12, 1838, with a hundred braves Gauchos led by Gerónimo Costa sold their lives dearly in the single combat they fought against the blocking French squad. Thorne fought heroically and remembering the episode many years later he used to say:
"My grave should be Martín García, because there I fought defenseless and
even with anger when seeing my helplessness..."

Difficult days ensued. The fight between federalists and unitarians became bitter and persistent. Thorne, a foreigner, was unable to discern any slogans in his chosen homeland other than subordination and discipline. Destined to land service, he carried out the Entre Ríos campaign with Echagüe in 1839. He was in many combats, received numerous wounds, and in old age he could locate under the skin, in different parts of the body, the leads of the bullets received. When on April 15, 1841, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he returned to place himself under the orders of Admiral Brown, he had to note in his service record that he had attended the war actions of Cagancha, Pago Largo, Don Cristóbal, Caaguazú , Yerúa, Sauce Grande and Punta Diamante.

Appointed commander of the brig General Belgrano in June 1842, he accompanied Brown in the campaign against Garibaldi; The Admiral continued going up the Paraná with the purpose of defeating the enemy, while Thorne had the mission of guarding the entry of reinforcements through the Plata, for which he had the second division of the fleet, made up of the 25 de Mayo and the General San Martín.

Assigned to the river defense service, on August 17, 1845 he was appointed commander of one of the three batteries located in the Vuelta de Obligado, in which position, a few months later, on November 20 of the same year he maintained with high courage and a tough fight against the blocking squad would be bizarre. The action having begun in the middle of the morning, Thorne's guns grumbled until late in the afternoon, and only ceased when the bullets had run out.

The brave opponent of the Anglo-French squadron obtained, perhaps in recognition of his previous services, the designation of Commander in Chief of the coasts of Paraná. From this position he directed the fortification of the Quebracho coast and fought some skirmishes against the blockading squad, in one of which he was wounded in the shoulder. Commander of the schooner Pontón in 1849, Caseros found him on February 3, 1852, commanding the boat Julio from which he descended to soon begin the path of political banning.

Erased from the military list he was forced to earn a living. Sea dog, as captain of a low-freight merchant ship, made many trips to India and worked in various tasks as a naval expert, until calmer spirits, the just and patriotic law of September 24, 1868, ended in general with the material sufferings and the moral agony of the brave combatants of the independence campaigns and the war against the empire of Brazil. The state remembered the helpless octogenarians who had founded the Republic and reparations were made.

Retired with the rank of colonel to the peace of the home, which he had formed by marrying María Abad. Thorne's existence came to an end at the age of seventy-eight, he suddenly fell ill and left life in his house in Tucumán Street, on August 1, 1885. His mortal remains were buried in the Dissidents cemetery. Twenty-two years later, in March 1907, on the centenary of his birth, a popular tribute commission honored him, and Dr. Pedro J. Coronado recalled his memory to say, among other things: "A century has passed since he was born on earth. "our hero misses, and his figure grows out of the cloud of passions and partisan mirage. Thorne chose his country and his destiny." The newspaper La Nación also expressed: "History owes him an illuminated page of heroism. Today, he belongs without hesitation to immortality."

Argentine Navy (c)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Malvinas: The Strela 2M MANPADS in Argentinian Service

The Strela 2M in the Malvinas/Falklands War

It was the second MANPAD system to arrive on the islands operating as part of the arsenal of the Argentine forces. The other operating system in the Argentine forces was the effective Blowpipe, of British origin.
The Strela-2M MANPADS were available to Argentine troops since May. A handful of missiles were fired, but no kills were recorded. One of the stories regarding its use belongs to the book "Command in Action" by Isidoro Ruiz Moreno. A shot was fired at a Sea Harrier flying at low altitude and was initially well aimed, but when the plane turned violently the missile lost track. Many were later captured. The missiles were supplied by Libya.

Argentine soldiers, one of them carrying a Strela-2 missile launcher

Argentine marine handling a Strela-2M missile launcher

The Argentine Strela-2M missiles are captured by the British after the surrender is signed.

Some Strela-2M portable missile launchers of the Argentine forces

Some Argentine Sa-7/Strela captured by the British

An Argentine Strela -2M MANPAD is inspected by a British soldier

British soldiers manipulate an Argentine Strela-2 launcher.

Aquellas Armas de Guerra

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Malvinas/Falklands: Port Egmont and the British retreat

The Malvinas/Falklands Betweeen History and Law

Chapter II

The first settlements on the islands. The 1771 Agreement and British abandonment. Spanish withdrawal after the beginning of Argentine process of independence


This chapter analyses the period of 1764-1811 and the first European settlements on the Falkland/Malvinas Islands in the 18th century; it also deals with the subsequent disputes among France, Spain and Great Britain. It will show that the first occupant of the Falklands/Malvinas was France, which immediately recognised Spain´s pre-existing sovereignty and handed over the islands to the legitimate sovereign. It will also show that Britain´s occupation of a port on one of the islands of the archipelago was in breach of existing treaties; and that this occupation was belated, precarious, secretive and subsequently abandoned. Besides the treaties analysed in the previous chapter, the 1770 incident, the Hispano-British declaration of 1771, British withdrawal from the site authorised by Spain, and the fact that Spain exercised exclusive possession and sovereignty over the islands for decades, until the beginning of the Argentine process of independence in 1810, prove that Argentina incontestably succeeded to Spain´s rights.

A. France, the first occupant

Pascoe and Pepper begin by correctly stating that Louis-Antoine de Bougainville was the first to establish a settlement in the Falklands/Malvinas.51 The settlement was located on Soledad or East Island and was named “Port Louis”, in tribute t o the French monarch. The purpose of Bougainville´s voyage was to establish a settlement on the Malouines islands in order to “take control of trade in the South Seas” after France´s colony in Canada was lost to Great Britain. His project was quickly approved by the French authorities. On September 15th, 1763 he set sail with 150 men from Saint-Malo on board the frigate “L´Aigle”, together with the corvette “Le Sphinx”. Land was made at the beginning of February 1764, and on March 17th, construction work had already started. On April 5th, 1764, once the construction of the fort was finished, Bougainville carried out an official ceremony to take possession of the islands on behalf of King Louis XV, which was confirmed (and made public) by the French monarch on September 12th, 1764.52

B. The clandestine presence of Great Britain

The French had already occupied the Falklands/Malvinas when British commodore John Byron set sail for the West Indies on June 21st, 1764. The purpose of his voyage was kept secret. Upon reaching the coast of Brazil, the true objective of the expedition was revealed: to call at His Majesty´s Islands call´d Falkland´s and Pepys `Islands situate in the Atlantick Ocean near The Streights of Magellan in order to make better surveys thereof, than had yet been made, and to determine a place or places, most proper for a new settlement or settlements thereon.53
Byron sighted land on January 12th, 1765 (that is to say, almost one year after Bougainville officially took possession) and landed on Saunders Island (Isla Trinidad), a small island to the west of Gran Malvina/West Falkland, where he took possession of a location called Port Egmont (“Puerto de la Cruzada” in Spanish) on behalf of King George III, “of that port and all neighboring islands.”54
It is worth noting that the directions given to Byron refer to the “Falkland and Peppys” islands. The latter were often believed to be situated in an area near the Falklands/Malvinas, but they do not exist. The  British government believed they had been “discovered” by His Majesty´s seamen. It gave secret instructions to its sailors in full awareness of the opposition Spain had manifested years before, leading Byron to believe that the islands he was to survey already belonged to the British crown.
However, the orders Byron received made no reference whatsoever to taking possession of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. His only task was to perform a survey. Pascoe and Pepper give this event a legal significance which it does not have, flagrantly contradicting themselves when comparing their analysis of Byron´s taking of possession with that of Jewett on behalf of Argentina in 1820,. As we shall see, they try to diminish the value of Argentina´s taking possession in 1820 because, they allege that precise instructions given by the government of Buenos Aires directing Jewett to take possession of the Falklands/Malvinas have not been found. Yet at the same time, they characterised Byron´s act as capable of conferring sovereignty on Britain, despite Byron clearly going beyond his instructions, as he had not received any order to take possession of the islands.55
Differently to Bougainville´s actions, which consisted in establishing a colony, Byron took possession, left the British flag raised and set sail a few days later (on January 27th) without leaving behind any settlement. A month later, he sent the ship “Florida” to Great Britain to bring news. When the “Florida” landed on June 21st, 1765, British authorities decided to build a settlement at Port Egmont. News had already been received of France´s establishment.

C. Spanish protests and France’s recognition of sovereignty.

On the Spanish side, news of the French settlement set alarm bells ringing. In September 1765, the Spanish minister of State, the Marquis of Grimaldi, gave instructions to Ambassador Fuentes to submit to Choiseul an official request for France´s withdrawal, on the basis of Spanish sovereignty, as well as legal and political considerations.56 After Choiseul´s first refusal, Fernando de Magallón, secretary at the Spanish embassy in France, reminded him that Spain had already asserted its rights against England in 1749 when it came to know about Anson´s expedition. Only twenty-four hours later, Choiseul met Fuentes and acceded to Spain´s request. When Bougainville returned, he was notified of the situation and asked to go to Madrid to iron out the details of the transfer.

D. The secret occupation of Port Egmont

On the British side, on September 26th, 1765, Commander J. McBride received orders to build a fort “in Port Egmont in the Falkland Island.”57 On January 8th, 1766, he entered the port. McBride´s men sighted the French settlement on December 2nd, 1766, and were already in Port Louis on December 4th, setting sail for England in January 1767. Although the sailors declared that the islands belonged to His Majesty, the British government did not lodge any official protest over France´s presence in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands.
Contrary to the French occupation, and later to Argentina´s taking of possession in 1820, no public announcement was given of Britain´s settlement at Port Egmont. This point, and the absence of British protest, show that the British government maintained a clandestine occupation of a place in the Falklands/Malvinas, in the knowledge that its settlement was in violation of the treaties concluded with Spain, and that France had been the first to occupy the islands.

E. The transfer of French occupation to Spain

On April 9th, 1766, Bougainville set off for Madrid with information regarding the condition of the colony and the aim of transferring it to Spain. Already in May, a Report written by the French sailor himself was submitted to the Spanish ministers, requesting compensation for the expenses incurred in Port Louis; the document “Réflexions sur les 36 moyens de commencer l´établissement des Isles Malouines” set out the objectives Spain had to consider in settling the Falkland/Malvinas Islands.58
On September 13th, 1766, the relevant transfer documents were handed over and compensation for the expenses incurred in the colony was agreed. The British pamphlet states that neither France nor Bougainville recognised any preexisting rights to Spain.59
Bougainville´s text proves quite the opposite. On October 4th, Bougainville handed over the receipt for the amount paid as compensation for expenses. The document read as follows:

Monsieur Louis de Bougainville colonel of his Most Christian Majesty's Army. I have received six hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and eight livres thirteen sols and eleven deniers being the amount of an estimate that I have given in of the expenses incurred by the St. Malo Company in equipment for founding their intrusive establishments in the Malvinas Islands belonging to his Catholic Majesty. (...) In consideration of these payments as well as in obedience to his Most Christian Majesty's orders I am bound to deliver up in due formality to the court of Spain those establishments along with the families, houses, works, timber and shipping built there, and employed in the expedition, and finally everything therein belonging to the St. Malo Company as included in the accounts, which are so settled and to his Most Christian Majesty by this voluntary cession making void forever all claims that the company or any person interested therein may have or might produce upon the treasury of his Most Catholic Majesty nor can they henceforth demand more pecuniary or any other compensation whatsoever.”
60 Bougainville´s formal recognition that the settlement had been established in Spanish territory, and that its cession had been voluntary, was both express and manifest.

In his famed Voyage autour du monde, Bougainville describes the situation in a manner that also leaves no room for doubt: France having acknowledged the Catholic King´s right to the Malouines, he, by a principle of the law of nations, owed no reimbursement to these costs. However, as his majesty took all the ships, boats, goods, arms, ammunition, and provisions that belonged to our settlement, he being equally just and generous, desired that we should be reimbursed for what we had laid out; and the above sum was remitted to us by his treasurers; part at Paris, and the rest at Buenos Ayres.61

Figure 3 Receipt note of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville for the transfer of the colony to Spain recognizing its right. A.G.N. Sala X 3-4-5

Furthermore, Choiseul´s comments to the British Ambassador in Paris demonstrate that not only did France recognise Spain´s pre-existing sovereignty, but that it also informed the British  government  of  it.  Again,  the  British  government  did  not  raise  any  claim  of  sovereignty in the circumstances, which proves it either did not consider itself sovereign, or if it did, it was abandoning its claim against third States.
On that same occasion, Spanish Navy Captain Mr Felipe Ruiz Puente received the order to take over the colony as Governor, and was notified that the islands´ authorities would be under the command of the Governor and General Captain of Buenos Aires Province,63 Mr Francisco de Paula Bucarelli, whose orders he had to obey. That is to say, from the administrative point of view, the government of the Falklands/Malvinas was part of the Captaincy General of Buenos Aires.
On April 1st, 1767, the Spanish governor and Louis-Antoine de Bougainville landed at the Falklands/Malvinas Islands. The official transfer of the colony to the Spanish Crown was performed, and the name Port Louis changed to Puerto de la Soledad.
Bougainville expressly refers to the transfer of all the Falkland/Malvinas Islands and not, as some British authors argued, only Port Louis. In this connection, suffice it to recall the words of the renowned French sailor: In February 1764, France began to make a settlement on the Iles Malouines. Spain reclaimed these isles as belonging to the continent of South America; and her right to them having been acknowledged by the King, I received orders to deliver our settlement to the Spaniards, and to proceed to the East Indies by crossing the South Seas between the tropics. 64

F.  The legal point of view

By  the  year  1767,  three  powers  had  established  themselves  in  the  Falkland/Malvinas Islands, with varying degrees of lawfulness. France can claim the right of first occupant, despite  recognising,  when  faced  with  Spanish  protests, that  the  islands  belonged to Spain. This was consistent with recognition by the powers of the time that the region was considered to be Spanish.

Figure 4 Royal Order by which is named Don Felipe Ruiz Puente as the Governor of the Falklands/Malvinas islands and that the islands will depend on the General Capitancy of the Province of Buenos Aires - A.G.N. Sala X 8-10-3

Byron´s declaration lacks any legal effect. It was a merely symbolic act performed at a moment in which another nation was already effectively occupying the archipelago, and furthermore in a region that Great Britain had recognised as being Spanish. The settlement established by McBride years later suffers the same defects: occupation does not establish sovereignty over a territory that is not terra nullius (land belonging to nobody), either because the occupying State recognises that the territory belongs to another nation (Spain), or because the territory was previously occupied (by France). In international law, occupation of the main island constitutes occupation of the archipelago as a whole, as long as no other nation is present in any other area of the archipelago, as Judge Levi Carneiro explained in the Minquiers and Ecrehos case before the International Court of Justice.65 This was the situation of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands when they were occupied by France.
The system of treaties binding Spain and Great Britain analysed in the prior section made it impossible for the latter to sail or trade in the American seas and territories belonging to the Spanish Crown. The Falkland/Malvinas Islands were among those possessions, as demonstrated by Spain´s reaction to the expedition proposed by Lord Anson in 1749. The settlement of Port Egmont was a flagrant violation of those agreements and, therefore, a violation of the basic principle of the international law known as pacta sunt servanda, by virtue of which treaties must be respected.
What is more, the founding of Port Egmont in the Falklands/Malvinas did not even comply with the minimum requirements for an effective occupation capable of giving rise to sovereignty, even if, at the time, the Falklands/Malvinas were a terra nullius – which was not the case. As we have seen, unlike that of France, British occupation was undertaken in the greatest secret in accordance with the orders given by Lord Egmont.66 The reasons for this are clear: the British government knew that the territory was in Spain´s zone of influence. An act that was voluntarily kept secret could not be opposed to other nations.
Not even the British Parliament was aware of the existence of the settlement. Its existence was not therefore submitted to Parliament for approval, and as such, the Falklands/Malvinas was never legally a domain of the British Crown.67 As the French ambassador to London said to the British Prime Minister, Lord North, the “covert” settlement established by the British, being unrecognized by Spain was not cause enough for Spain´s loss of rights; North agreed with the correctness of the principle.68
The British settlement was clearly established in bad faith. Great Britain knew about France´s settlement, Spain´s protests and the subsequent cession, which was relayed by Choiseul on September 17th, 1766. The British government did not raise any objection. It is possible to conclude with the description made by Bougainville himself, who after describing the islands, correctly summarizes the legal situation in the following manner: “Such was the state of the Malouines, when we put them into the hands of the Spaniards, whose prior right was thus enforced by that which we possessed by making the first settlement.”69

G. Spain evicts the English fort

In 1766 the Prince of Masseran, Spain´s ambassador to London, upon learning that the British fleet had been sent to the South Atlantic, immediately informed Madrid. When Charles III realised that the British were in a region of Spanish dominion, he directed Masseran to submit a request for information about the facts in question.
London´s reply initially went from ignoring the fact to refusing to take a stance on the substance of the matter. The talks stalled, and in December 1766 the Governor of Buenos Aires, Mr. Francisco de Paula Bucarelli, was ordered to explore the Falkland/Malvinas islands and the coasts of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego up to Cape Horn in order to gather information about the location of the British settlement.70

Fearing that England might settle indefinitely in its dominions, Spain hardened its position. The Secretary of the Indies, Mr. Julián de Arriaga, ordered Bucarelli: “no English settlement whatsoever is allowed, and to expel by force any already formed if warnings according to law are not enough: and without the need for further orders or instructions.”71 On the basis of this order, on October 15th, 1768 a fleet under the command of the Navy Chief of Staff, Juan Ignacio de Madariaga, set sail from Cadiz.
Only in the second half of November 1769 was the British settlement finally discovered by a Spanish schooner. Governor Ruiz Puente immediately sent Infantry Lieutenant Mario Plata to order the eviction of the intruders, since their stay in the area “is entirely opposed to the faithful and religious observance of the Treaties of Peace.”72 The British captain Anthony Hunt answered on December 10th, stating that the islands belonged to His Britannic Majesty and that he ordered the Spanish to leave Port Soledad within six months.
In May 1770, having sent a fleet in February to survey the British settlement and having protested against the British “intruding in an alien domain”,73 the governor of Buenos Aires dispatched Chief of Staff Madariaga with four frigates and two small ships with the aim of evicting the intruders. Between June 7th and 9th, both parties fruitlessly exchanged requests and threats. On June 10th, Madariaga considered that the situation had become unsustainable, and ordered the takeover of the settlement. At the first volley of cannon fire, the British surrendered and 156 men laid down their weapons. Port Egmont was free from invaders.

H. Negotiations to avoid war

In September 1770, the British Crown discovered what had happened in the Falklands/Malvinas and protested to Spain. The Spanish and French prepared to begin new negotiations to avoid, or at least put off, the outbreak of an armed conflict. It is not within the scope of this work to go further into the long and difficult diplomatic negotiations. The stances of both parties can be easily summarised as follows: the British sought unconditional compensation and the resettlement of Port Egmont, while Spain offered to express disapproval of Bucarelli´s actions and the reestablishment of the settlement at Port Egmont, in exchange for His Britannic Majesty´s disapproval of the requests and threats made by Captain Hunt, as well as an express backing of Spanish sovereignty over the archipelago.
Several proposals were discussed and discarded until an impasse was reached. While the negotiations were being conducted, both powers had speeded up the readying of their armed forces. When all signs pointed to the only way out being war, some changes took place which allowed a peaceful solution to be reached. One of those changes was the verbal promise made by the English minister, who said that if Spain granted the British what they had requested, they would leave Port Egmont. This point will be discussed in depth below.
In order to convince Spain to reach a new agreement and to avoid a new war at all costs, the French King Louis XV presented to the Spanish King Charles III the thesis according to which simple possession could not be stripped by force, notwithstanding its legal defects: “The British have established a settlement in the Maluinas islands, and I am certain that no title has authorised them to do so, but they were in possession when they were evicted by His Majesty´s weapons. Conversely to all the laws according to which a dispossessed tenant must be re-established before discussing the substance of their requests. This is what the British are demanding to His Majesty by means of a statement.”74 It should be noted, en passant, that Great Britain took a completely opposing attitude towards Argentina in 1833, when they used force to deprive Argentina of its possession on the basis of unfounded arguments of sovereignty.
An agreement was reached on January 22nd, 1771 with a statement by Prince Masseran and its acceptance by the British government. The relevant statement read as follows: “(...) the Prince of Masseran declares, that his Catholic Majesty engages to give immediate orders, that things shall be restored in the Great Malouine at the port called Egmont, precisely to the state in which they were before the 10th of June, 1770. For which purpose his Catholic Majesty will give orders to one of his Officers, to deliver up to the Officer authorized by
his Britannic Majesty the port and fort called Egmont, with all the artillery, stores, and effects of his Britannic Majesty and his subjects which were at that place (...) The Prince of Masseran declares, at the same time, in the name of the King his master, that the engagement of his said Catholic Majesty, to restore to his British Majesty the possession of the port and fort called Egmont, cannot nor ought any wise to affect the question of the prior right of sovereignty of the Malouine islands, otherwise called Falkland Islands.”75 The British pamphlet claims that Argentina uses a false translation of Masseran´s declaration, and that the reservation of sovereignty is applicable to both countries.76 Both assertions are wrong. The quote appearing above is the same that appears in Pascoe and Pepper´s pamphlet, and does not support the thesis of a “mutual” reservation of sovereignty in any way. British acceptance was limited to the declaration of the Spanish Crown and to consider it as “compensation for the offence caused to the British Crown”.77
Pascoe and Pepper highlight a proposal made during the negotiations to explicitly recognise Spanish sovereignty, which was not accepted by the British government. The proposal would have been considered an unacceptable humiliation by British public opinion, which had closely followed news of the eviction from the fort in Port Egmont. However, the fact that no explicit recognition of Spanish sovereignty was given in the declaration did not mean that Spain had abandoned its position and implicitly accepted that of the other party.
In the final text, only one party formulated a reservation of sovereignty: Spain. The other failed to do so. One of the parties returned exclusive possession of a fort, affirming that this restitution in no way affected the question of sovereignty. What sovereignty could this possibly be but Spain´s? It would be absurd for a State that claims sovereignty to reserve the alleged sovereignty of the other, as the British pamphlet naively claims.
Furthermore, Masseran´s declaration mentions no legal compensation or reestablishment of rights of sovereignty; it only refers to the return of possession, not the restitution of the archipelago as a whole, not of Isla Trinidad/Saunders Island (where the British settlement was established) or nearby Gran Malvina/West Falkland, but only “the port and the fort named Egmont”. It merely concerns the physical restitution of British possession of the port and fort. British acceptance is also expressed in the same manner, and does not clarify or modify the geographical position, but merely makes express reference to the “port and fort named Egmont.” 78 Neither does it refer to any reinstatement of sovereignty rights, but simply to the return of a factual status quo, and last but not least, does not mention the reservation of sovereignty rights made by Spain in the final paragraph of its declaration –which amounts to an implicit acceptance of the reservation. The French representative in London highlighted this issue when asserting that: “Upon receiving this reservation and not protesting, England tacitly recognises the rights of Spain, which (...) acquire a renewed vigor through the silence of England”.79
William Pitt also had the same understanding, when stating in the British Parliament, on January 25th, that the Masseran Declaration “appeared to be an ignominious compromise. It was no satisfaction; no reparation. The right was not secured, and even the restitution was incomplete; that Port Egmont alone is restored, not Falkland´s Island”.80
The British pamphlet makes the unsupported claim that Dr Samuel Johnson, a renowned English intellectual of the time, “confirmed” its interpretation, that is to say, that both countries reserved their position regarding sovereignty. This does not transpire from Dr Johnson´s publication on the Port Egmont conflict - quite the contrary. The renowned British author stated in his pamphlet: This reserve [that of the Spanish sovereignty] has supplied matter for much clamour, and, perhaps the English ministry would have been better pleased had the declaration been without it. But when we have obtained all that was asked, why should we complain that we have not more?81 All the British had demanded was the restitution of Port Egmont and compensation for the offence they had suffered. The same author wrote that: To have inquired whether our settlement at port Egmont was any violation of the Spanish rights, had been to enter upon a discussion, which the pertinacity of political disputants might have continued without end. We, therefore, called for restitution, not as a confession of right, but as a reparation of honour.82 Dr. Johnson´s analysis does not in any way support the forced and unjustified interpretation made by the British pamphlet.
In summary: Spain only returned possession of Port Egmont and reserved its rights of sovereignty over the Falklands/Malvinas and the archipelago as a whole. The British government was happy to accept this as satisfaction for the stain on its honour caused by the forceful eviction, without seeking to make any claim with respect to their alleged sovereignty.

I. Britain’s secret promise to evacuate Port Egmont

From the moment the 1771 agreement was concluded, much has been said and written about the existence of a secret promise by which, once British honour had been restored by the restitution of Port Egmont, the port would eventually be abandoned.
For reasons of internal politics and public opinion, the promise could not be made in writing. Pascoe and Pepper venture to claim that such a promise never existed. The only argument they put forward is that in 1829, when for the first time in almost half a century the British government showed some interest in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Sir Herbert Jenner, the King´s Lawyer, affirmed that he could not find any documents supporting that promise.83 This is evidently a weak argument, especially because it is well known that Jenner was looking for arguments in support of Britain´s purported sovereignty over the islands.
Even though no written document containing the promise has been found, there is ample evidence as to the existence of a verbal promise and its content. The exchange of letters between the Spanish and the French ambassadors in London, British diplomatic notes, and debates in Parliament and in British newspapers are strong indications that such a promise did in fact exist.
It is apparent from the notes of Masseran and Francés, respectively representing Spain and France in London, that on different occasions Lord North not only asked them to trust Britain, but also pointed out that if their requests were satisfied, the British would abandon the islands.84 In the same vein, Lord Rochford stated that “they did not have the intention of keeping the Falkland Islands”.85
Despite Masseran´s doubts about Great Britain´s good faith, he advised on December 9th that the ministers of His Britannic Majesty “should wait for return of Mail in order to see if the King supports this latest project and wishes to trust the good faith of this Ministry, when it insinuates that it will abandon Gran Malvina once we grant the satisfaction it requests.”86 This is solid proof of the existence of the promise. At the end of the month, Masseran again reported that, “North insisted on us trusting them and compensating them as requested, without any hesitation, [...] The Minister does not wish it to be said that it is he who proposed [the agreement], nor do the Secretaries of State wish to get involved in the matter, as they have the intention of stating in the House of Lords that they have never strayed from the unconditional request for satisfaction from the start: they maintain that in this way from now on, they will be more entitled to deal with questions of law or to abandon an Island that not only the Navy Officers, but also the People perceive as onerous; they state that they cannot agree to this in an agreement, because Parliament would assume they had sold themselves to Spain, and that they did not know how to uphold England´s rights, which would cost them not only their jobs, but also their heads.”87 These letters, in addition to the request by the French King to make all sacrifices necessaryto keep the peace, resulted in the orders Grimaldi gave to Masseran, on January 2nd, 1771, which read as follows: “As [the British] do not wish to hear of stipulating [the] evacuation of [the] island, in case satisfaction, being conditional, is threatened, but they assure us that they will afterwards abandon Falkland [island], and that we should trust their word; the King is determined to reconfigure his Project, to save honour, and to leave the negotiation about evacuation of the Island for later, accepting the offer, though it is only made by word.
Your Excellency must try to obtain this in the best possible way.”88
Similar British evidence abounds. A few days after the Masseran Declaration, the British representative in Madrid reported that “They also report that we have given a verbal assurance to evacuate Falkland Island in the space of two months.”89
Colonel Isaac Barré, member of the House of Commons, wrote to William Pitt, stating that: “I take up the pen in a hurry to acquaint your Lordship, that I am just returned from the House of Commons, where Lord North informed us, that Prince Masseran had this morning presented a declaration, signed by the King of Spain, which his Majesty had accepted of, and which would be laid before the House on Friday next. The terms, as I am informed, are not very honourable- the island to be put into our possession; and it is whispered, that there is a secret article to save the rights and pretensions in that country of the crown of Spain; which seems to promise our abandoning the spot silently, upon some future day.”90

Figure 5 Satyric image in relation to the Hispanic-British negotiations where Lord North is inclined before Masseran who is stepping on the British flag, giving it a paper in which is read "Falkland Island

Thomas Pownall´s statement in the British Parliament, on March 5th, 1771, is equally clear:

whatever may be the present ostensible form of the convention, mark well the end: It will
end on our part either in the actual cession of the island or in a gradual direliction of it.
Without some such idea as this; namely that as soon as reparation is made to our honour
for the violent and hostile manner in which we were driven off that island, and as soon as
we were put in a situation to evacuate it of our own motion, its tacitly understood we are to
cede it. Without some such idea as this; the whole of the negotiation is inexplicable and unintelligible. But taking this line, as going to a matter mutually understood, the whole is
plain, definite and but of one construction.
” 92

Lord Chatham´s speech is categorical: “it appeared to be an ignominious compromise. It was no satisfaction, no reparation. The right was not secured, and even the restitution was  incomplete; Port Egmont alone was restored, not Falkland Island”. 93

Lord Chatham further makes a compelling analysis: “While Lord Rochford was negotiating with  Prince  Masseran,  Mr.  Stuart  Mackenzie  was  negotiating  with  Mons.  Francois.  At length, about an hour before the meeting of Parliament, on the twenty second of January 1771, a declaration was signed by the Spanish Ambassador, under French orders, and a French indemnification, for the restitution of Falkland's Islands to his Britannic Majesty; but the important condition, upon which this declaration was obtained, was not mentioned in the declaration. This condition was, that the British forces should evacuate Falkland's Islands as soon as convenient after they were put in possession of Port and Fort Egmont” 94
Similar criticisms were expressed by the famed writer or journalist going by the pen name “Junius” in his letters to the Public Advertiser, such as the one dated January 30th where he stated  that  in  the  Masseran  Declaration,  Port  Egmont is  described, “not  as  a  part  of  the King's territory or proper dominion, but merely as a possession, a word expressly chosen in contradistinction  to and  exclusion  of  the  idea  of  right  and  to  prepare  us  for  a  future surrender both of the right and of the possession. (...) It seemed to promise that whatever might be given up by secret stipulation some care would be taken to save appearances to the  public.” 95
Junius  came  to  the  charge  again  with  another  letter  dated  February  13th in which,  referring  to  the  Masseran  Declaration,  he  affirmed: “(...) when  that  stipulation carries along with it also a private insinuation or encouragement to the Catholic King tohope,  and  most  probably,  not  to  say  certainly,  an  express  assurance,  that  not  only  Port Egmont now restored to us, but the whole island, shall in due time, as soon as they dare, be surrendered to the crown of Spain.” 96
On its part, the Public Advertiser affirmed: “... the Convention with Spain contains several secret chapters in which we shamefully waive our claim to the Falklands”. 97
This  ample  documentation  is  simply  ignored  by  the  British  pamphlet.  The  evidence concerning the secret promise made by Great Britain to abandon Port Egmont – and with it any  fanciful  claim  of  sovereignty – is  conclusive.  It  comes  from  those  having  directly participated  in  the  negotiations,  and  the  officials  involved.  Further  facts  support  this evidence:  England  left  Port  Egmont  in  1774,  and  despite  leaving  behind  a  plaque  and  a flag,  no  official  act  of  possession,  no  act  of  authority,  nor  any  protest  was  made  again, despite Spain´s presence in the archipelago and particularly the destruction of the fort and the removal of the British symbols by the Spanish authorities in the Falklands/Malvinas. Although  not  formally  concluded,  the  promise  was  binding: pacta  sunt  servanda. In  any case, even if the promise had not existed, Great Britain left Port Egmont and, as we shall
see, did not reserve its rights of sovereignty as against Spain.

J.  London begins to gradually withdraw upon the restitution of fort Egmont

On  September  16th,  1771,  the  Spanish  official  Francisco  de  Orduña,  sent  by  the  Spanish  Governor of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Felipe Ruiz Puente, officially handed over Port Egmont  to  the  British  Captain  John  Stott. 98
The  British  authors  appear  to  neglect  an unavoidable conclusion: if the islands were British, then Great Britain should have been the one to authorise Spanish presence on the islands. Instead, quite the opposite happened. In the  entire  course  of  events,  not  a  single  British  note  exists  protesting  against  Spain´s
presence on the islands.

The British government began taking action to reduce Port Egmont´s garrison to the bare minimum already in early 1772, a move supported by the Admiralty. By the middle of the same year, at the moment of the handover, Britain´s presence was reduced to 50 men and a small  ship.  This  reduction  of  forces  was  communicated  to  the  British  Ambassador  in Madrid so that he could pass the information on to the Spanish government. 99
On February 10th, 1774, Lord Rochford informed the Spanish Ambassador in London that Britain was
determined to withdraw its garrison from the Falklands/Malvinas due to the effects of “an economic system”, and that as he had said to Masseran in the past, if Spain insisted on the abandonment  of  the  islands,  Britain  would  not  abandon  them;  but  if  left  free  do  as  they pleased, they would carry out the withdrawal when least expected.100
The following day, Rochford wrote to the British ambassador in Madrid that “with the purpose of reducing the naval force in the western Indies” the troops deployed in the Falklands/Malvinas would be repatriated, and that he was “inclined to think from what passed formerly on this Subject that they will be rather pleased at this Event”.101

It is interesting to highlight the British note sent to Spain. If Great Britain considered itself sovereign over the islands, there would be no reason to notify Spain. Yet the note existed. And, if a note existed, its aim must have been the preservation of sovereignty - especially when the power abandoning the territory knows  that  the  other  will  remain  on  the  territory.  There  was  no  such  note  reserving sovereignty.  Nor  was  there  any  request  for  Spain  to  withdraw,  and  less  still  any “authorisation”  for  Spain  to  remain  on  the  territory.  The  reasons  invoked  are  less  than credible. What economic influence could be wielded by 50 men , who were relieved once a year and could in any case be put to use elsewhere, within the British Empire´s military budget? If the purpose of the withdrawal was to reduce the naval forces in the Indies, why only repatriate the garrison at Port Egmont?
In  short,  in  1771,  Great  Britain,  one  of the  greatest  military  powers  of  the  time,  was determined to go to war over Port Egmont, but the following year it considerably reduced the troops deployed in that port and only 2 years later ordered the abandonment of a 50-man  garrison  “for  economic  reasons”.  It  is  not  difficult  to  see  that  the  reason  for  the abandonment  of  Port  Egmont  was  something  more  important  that  a  mere  budgetary readjustment.
The unavoidable truth is that the only wish the British government had in 1771-1774 was to save face. And as we shall see, if they were not in a condition to maintain their position at  Port Egmont, the simple fact of leaving behind British insignia was not sufficient to retain any title over the territory.

K. The British abandonment of Port Egmont in 1774 and the exclusive presence of Spain in the archipelago

Whatever  the  reason  for  the  abandonment,  it  was  carried  out  in  mid-May  1774,  leaving  behind a leaden plaque stating that the islands belonged to the King of Great Britain. As we already saw in the case of discovery, a merely symbolic act (such as installing a cross or a  plaque) was not enough to establish a right of sovereignty – much less could a symbolic act  of this nature be sufficient to retain sovereignty over time. But that is not all.
Even  before  the British  effectively  left,  the  Spanish  government  in  Madrid  was  already giving orders to the Governor of Malvinas to ensure that the British would not return to the islands. A note dated April 9th, 1774 written by Julián de Arriaga, Secretary of the State of the Indies, read as follows:
“Being offered by the Court of London to abandon the settlement built in Gran Malvina, withdrawing  the  few  troops  deployed  there,  and  some  inhabitants,  the  King  wishes to inform you of this fact, in order to consequently observe prudently and carefully whether the  British  do in  fact  abandon  said settlement,  without  reestablishing a new one in the  vicinity, and that once you have verified the fact in the terms agreed upon, from time to time, take the necessary precautions to ensure that the British do not return to the area, and inform  me  in  the  greatest  detail  about  everything  that  happens  there,  both  now and henceforth.” 102

This note is particularly important for a variety of reasons: 1) because it clearly shows that the Spanish government understood Britain´s withdrawal as a relinquishment 2) because it explicitly  stated  the  intention  to  exercise  sovereignty  over  the  port  which  had  up  to  that moment  been  in  Great  Britain´s  hands,  3)  because  it  clearly  states  the  intention  of preventing the British from returning, which implies the will to exercise sovereignty and exclusive possession over the archipelago as a whole and 4) because both British conduct and the Spanish note support the thesis of the British promise to abandon Port Egmont once it had been returned.
These orders were carried out first in November 1774 and then in February 1775. At the turn of 1775, Captain Juan de la Peña confirmed that nobody was living in or travelling to the  British  settlement.  On  January 24th, 1776,  pilot  Juan  Pascual  Callexas  withdrew  the plaque affixed by the British and sent it to Buenos Aires. 103
On June 30th, 1777, José Gálvez, Minister of the Indies, sent a Royal Order to the Viceroy  of the Río de la Plata for him to “proceed to burn the buildings of all types that may be completed or started, doing the same with the materials that are gathered” 104
This order was fulfilled at the beginning of 1780 by an expedition under the command of Callexas, thus erasing any sign of Britain´s presence in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands (see Figure 6). Many  conclusions  may  be  drawn  from  this  important  order  and  its  execution,  namely:
Spain  maintained  control  over  the  whole  archipelago,  the  order  was  issued  in  a  time  of peace with Great Britain (that is to say, it was not a mere act of war nor an act carried out by reason of a war) and last but not least, the order was issued to (and executed by) the official in control of the Governorate of the Malvinas (under whose authority the islands lay), that is, the Viceroy of the Río de la Plata.
Great Britain abandoned Port Egmont in 1774 and since then, for 55 years, there was no official British presence on the islands, nor any official acts relating to them, and less still any effective acts of sovereignty over the islands or in relation to them. On the contrary, there was no official reaction to the destruction of the settlement at Port Egmont carried out by Spain and nothing was said about the continuous and exclusive presence of Spain in the islands, with 32 governors that reported to Buenos Aires.

Figure 6 Drawing of Port Egmont destroyed by the Spaniards; the legend reads:"Drawing of the establishment of the Englishmen in Port Egmont of the Island of the Great Malvina, burned and demolished its buildings on March 22, 1780 by order of Excmo. Sr. Dn Juan Jose de Vertiz, General of the Royal Armies Viceroy Governor and Capitan General of the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, by the First Pilot of the Number of the Royal Navy and Capitan of the King the Rosario Dn Juan Pasqual Callexa"

Britain said nothing at the time it signed the convention of Nootka Sound, which by virtue of its Article VI prevented Britain from settling the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Not a word was said when in 1806-1807 British officials invaded Buenos Aires and found the leaden plaque left behind in the once-British settlement. Another relevant question is why Great Britain, when attempting to conquer the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, did not take any action  against  Spain´s  presence  in  the  only  territory  that  supposedly  was  British.  If  the question had not been settled in 1771, here was an excellent opportunity to settle it in their favour. On Spain´s part, the removal of the plaque left at Port Egmont was a clear sign of its will to repudiate any pretention of British sovereignty. Even leaving aside the lack of British  reaction  to  the  Spanish  authorities´  control  over  Port  Egmont,  including  its subsequent  destruction,  it  is  worth  pointing  out  that  the  British  found  the  plaque  the Spanish  had  removed  in  Buenos  Aires,  between  1806  and  1807.  There  was  no  official reaction by Great Britain in regard to acts of enforcement performed by Spain against the sailors  of  the  British  Crown  visiting  the  islands,  as  we  will  see  later.  Nor  was  there  any reaction by Britain to the various acts of sovereignty carried out by the new-born Argentine government between 1810 and 1829.
The abandonment of 1774 was not a simple physical withdrawal from Port Egmont, but it  meant  the  total  relinquishment  by  Great  Britain  of  any  kind  of  claim  over  the  Falkland/Malvinas Islands. A period of 55 years with no British presence or official acts as against a nearly four-decade-long Spanish presence, as well as the Argentine acts that took place from the beginning of the process of independence until 1829 clearly show not only the absence of British corpus possessionis, but also the absence of any intention of having sovereignty. 105

L.  The continuous and exclusive presence of Spain in the Falklands/Malvinas
until 1811
During  the  period  under  discussion,  Spain  had  a  continuous  presence  in  the Falkland/Malvinas  Islands  from  April  1st,  1767,  when  Louis-Antoine  de  Bougainville transferred the French settlement founded in 1764 to the Spanish authorities, until February 13th, 1811, when Spanish troops were withdrawn from Port Soledad. Spain was present “à titre de souverain”, as is proven by the appointment of Mr. Felipe Ruiz Puente as Governor of  the  Malvinas,  and  the  proclamation  of  the  islands  as  a  dependency  of  the  General Captaincy of Buenos Aires made by King Charles II on October 4
th, 1766. Official Spanish presence was permanent, and its authorities succeed one another on a continuous basis for the  entire  period  (32  Governors  and  Commandants  were  appointed by  the  Viceroy  of Buenos Aires); by order of the King of Spain, they were to be relieved annually, between
mid December and mid January. 106
The Commandants relied upon a minister of the Royal Treasury  and  periodically  formed  governing  boards  (juntas  de  gobierno)  which  also included the Commander of the main ship anchored at Port Soledad. 107
The islands were inhabited by a military detachment, prisoners, settlers and Catholic priests. The Church of Nuestra  Señora  de  la  Soledad  operated  on  Soledad  Island,  and  construction  of  the  stone church was completed on November 4th, 1801.108
British  sources  refer  to  the  Spanish  settlement  as  a  prison;  this  probably  arises  from  the translation of the word “presidio” and its current meaning of “prison”. However, in Spanish America, “presidios” were not prisons. The term was used to refer to settlements situated at the outermost points of Spain´s dominions that worked as protection against the frequent attacks of privateers and pirates, as well as being a means of protecting Spanish sovereignty by preventing other nations from settling in the area. Regardless, even if the only Spanish presence had been a prison, it would still have been sufficient to constitute an effective act of government authority.
The Governors of the islands were mostly preoccupied with maintaining Spanish presence in the southernmost territories of the Empire, and to control the activities of other nations in the region. This was an official and public presence that no other maritime power ignored or could ignore, which was in charge of policing and law enforcement in and around the islands of the entire archipelago. Frequent journeys were made around the archipelago and along the Patagonian coasts. Spanish authorities on the islands also kept a detailed record of
the cattle present on the islands, which was considered to belong to the Royal Treasury, and
carried out maintenance of military facilities, as proven by the periodical reports on both
matters sent by the Commandants to Buenos Aires.
There  are  hundreds  of  examples  of  the  control  exercised  by  the  Spanish  authorities,  but
suffice it to cite the following: a note dated August 17
, 1790, requesting the payment of
expenses  incurred  for  the  transfer  and  rations  of  the  “British  individuals”  found  fishing
illegally in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands on the corvette Sta. Elena.
Another example is
Communication No. 239 dated February 26
, 1806 in the Malvinas, by which Commandant
of the Malvinas Antonio Leal de Ibarra “Communicate[s] the seizure of the English brig St.
Agustin (alias) El  Talquino, its  cargo  and  subsequent  events,  giving  some  news  of  the
privateers who are in the South Seas”. The vessel in question was a Spanish ship that had
been captured by English privateers. The note addressed to Viceroy Sobremonte in Buenos
Aires gives an idea of the patrols of the coasts and seas of the region carried out from Port
Soledad: “Having  sent  six  armed  men  for  reconnaissance  of  the  Southern  coast  of  this
island to guard myself against the surprise of Enemies, which have been repeatedly sighted
with hostile aims....” The note affirms that the enemies were found on the sections of coast
named Puerto de los Leones and de los Pájaros, and that the brig captured by the Spanish
was anchored at the nearby island of Santa Isabel”. Captain Andrés Jonson [according to
the original spelling] and his five-man crew were taken prisoner – all of them British.110
A similar example can be found in Pedro Sanguineto´s report addressed to Viceroy Nicolás de
Arredondo,  dated  March  4th, 1794  in  the  Malvinas,  by  which  he  reports  to  have  warned
French, American and British fishing vessels devoted to “whale fishing” operating in the areas surrounding the islands.111
Another example is the report dated January 15th, 1810, by which  the  Commandant  of  the  Malvinas,  Gerardo  Bordas,  informs  Viceroy  Cisneros  of Buenos  Aires: Having  ignored  up  to  the  18th
of  the  current  [sic]  the  unfortunate  events  occurred in our Peninsula, of which the second pilot of the Royal Navy, Mr. Pablo Guillén who  entered  this  port  commanding  the  Zumaca  Carlota  to  relieve  me  informed  me  exofficio [...] Being this Colony, the only spot of the Monarchy, that ignoring the occurrences due to its location; and consequently the only territory where due obedience to our King
and  natural  lord  was  not  sworn;  I  immediately  thought  to  carry  out  this  act,  which  took place on the 14th of the current (sic) between 8 and 9 a.m. in the church yard, as solemnly as possible and to the acclaim of the crowd. 112
As we can see, no other State made any kind of claim, nor carried out any act of public power  over  any  part  of  the  archipelago,  nor  made  any  protest  against  the  countless  and continuous manifestations of Spanish public authority. As the Foreign and Commonwealth Office affirms in answering a question raised by the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the House of Commons: “Spanish occupation from 1774 to 1811 was undisturbed by any other power”. 113
Various  internal  Foreign  Office  memoranda  express  similar  views  on  the Falkland/Malvinas  Islands.  Two of  these  (dated  1911  and  1928)  read  as  follows: “No objection  appears  to  have  been  made  at  any  time  on  the  part  of  Great  Britain  to  the possession of Soledad by the Spaniards, who continued in undisturbed exercise of all the rights  of  sovereignty,  not  only over  the  East  Falkland  Island,  but  over  the  whole  group, until, according to R. Greenhow, about the year 1808. They, however, appear, according to other writers, to have exercised these rights until a later period, for G. A. Thompson, in his "Geographical and  Historical  Dictionary  of  America  and  the  West  Indies",  published  in 1812, states that: "The Spaniards now send criminals to these inhospitable shores (of the Falkland  Islands)  for  their  settlements  in  America;  and  Dr.  G.  Hassel,  in  his  "Geographisch-Statistisches Handwörterbuch", published in 1817, says: "Die Spanier aber  besitzen noch ein geringes Dorf auf der grössen Insel bei Port Soledad". Of the extent of the Spanish Settlement at Soledad during this period we have no distinct accounts. The remains of  the  town  show  that  though  small  it  was  tolerably  well-built  and  provided  with  a Government  House,  church,  store-houses  and  forts,  all  of  stone.  It  was  under  the superintendence of an officer entitled "Commandant of the Malvinas", who was dependent on the Viceroy of La Plata; and vessels of war were from time to time sent from Buenos Aires  to  cruise  among  the  islands  and  to  warn  all  vessels  of  other  nations  against

51 Pascoe, Graham and Pepper, Peter,op. cit., p. 6.
52 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Colección de documentos relativos a la historia de las Islas Malvinas,
Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Instituto de Historia, 1957, Vol. I, p. 351.
53 Conway to Lords of Admiralty, July 20 1765 (State Papers) in Goebel, Julius, op. cit., p. 231.
54 The pamphlet by the British “government” of the islands mentions that Byron disembarked on Gran
Malvina (West Falkland), which is incorrect as Isla Saunders/Trinidad is a different island.
55 Pascoe, Graham and Pepper, Peter, op. cit., p. 7.
56 Lennox to Shelbourne, September 17, 1766 (RO State Papers, France, 271).
57 Universidad de Buenos Aires, op. cit., T. I, pp. 102-103.
58 Caillet-Bois, Ricardo, op. cit. p. 102
59 Pascoe, Graham and Pepper, Peter, op. cit., p. 7. The pamphlet by the British “government” of the islands asserts that Spain “bought” the islands.
60 Philip Parker King, Charles Darwin; Proceedings of the second expedition, 1831-1836, under the command of Captain Robert Fitz-Roy, London, Henry Colburn, 1839, pp. 149-150. Original in AGN Sala X 3-4-5
61 Bougainville, Louis-Antoine, Voyage autour du monde [1771], París, Presses Universitaires de Paris-
Sorbonne, 2001, ch. III, p. 86.
62 Lennox to Shelbourne, September 17, 1766 (RO State Papers, France, 271)
63 AGN Sala X 8-10-3
64 Bougainville, Louis-Antoine, op. cit. p. 61
65 “[...] Just as a State which has occupied the coast or an important part of an island is deemed to have
occupied the island as a whole, the occupation of the principal islands of an archipelago must also be deemed to include the occupation of islets and rocks in the same archipelago, which have not been actually occupied by another State”; individual opinion of Judge Levi Carneiro, Minquiers and Ecrehos case (France/United Kingdom), ICJ Reports 1953, p. 99
66 Egmont to the Duke of Grafton, July 20th, 1765, Records of the Admiralty. State Papers, Foreign, Spain, Supplementary, Miscellaneous Papers, 1761-1770, in Ferrer Vieyra, Enrique, Segunda Cronología Legal Anotada sobre las Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands), Córdoba, EGB, 1993, p. 364.
67 Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo, op. cit., 1975, p. 130.
68 Frances to Choiseul, December 22, 1770, AECP, Angleterre, v.494, f. 418 in Ferrer Vieyra, Segunda
Cronología..., op. cit., p. 327.
69 Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, op. cit., p. 92.
70 Royal Order of December 29th, 1766, in Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo, op. cit., p. 38.
71 Royal Order of February 25th, 1768 in id., p. 40.
72 Ruiz Puente to Hunt, November 30th, 1769 in Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo, op. cit., p. 41.
73 Note from Rubalcava to Hunt, February 20th, 1770 in Hidalgo Nieto, Manuel, La cuestión de las Malvinas, contribución al estudio de las relaciones hispano-inglesas en el siglo XVIII, Madrid, CSIC, 1947, pp. 645-646.
74 Luis XV to Carlos III, December 20th, 1770, in AHN, Estado, leg. 2850
75 Text reproduced in a number of works. See ie. Goebel, Julius, op. cit., p. 400, AGS, State, file 6980, annex to letter No2042; De Martens, Geo. Fred., Recueil de traites d’alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité, de commerce, de limites, d’échange etc.... des puissances et etats de l’Europe ...depuis 1761 jusqu’à présent, Tome 1 (1771-1779), Gotinguen, 2a ed., Librairie Dieterich, 1817, pp. 1-2; Parry, G., The Consolidated Treaty Series (1767-1772), Vol. 44, Nueva York, Oceana Publication Inc., 1969, pp. 425-426; Del Cantillo, Alejandro, Tratados, op. cit., pp. 519-520; Almon, J.,A Collection of All the Treaties of Peace, Alliance and Commerce, between Great-Britain and Other Powers: From the Revolution in 1688 to the Present Time, London, Vol. II, Opposite Burlington, 1772, pp. 328-330; British and Foreign State Papers 1833-1834, Vol.
22, London, 1847, pp. 1387-1388.
76 Pascoe y Pepper, op. cit., p. 8 and from the same authors: “False Falklands History at the United Nations. How Argentina misled the UN in 1964 – and still does”, 2012, p. 3
77 AGS, Estado, Legajo 6980, annex to letter No2042; in Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo, op. cit., pp. 199-200.
78 Ibid.
79 Frances to La Vrilliere, January 22nd, 1771, in AECP, Angleterre, vol. 495, fols. 79 a 81; cit. in Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo, op. cit., p. 86.
80 The Parliamentary History of England from the earliest period to the year 1803. Vol. XVI. A.D. 1765-
1771. London, Hansard, 1813, p. 1339.
81 Johnson, Samuel, Thoughts on the Late Transactions Respecting the Falkland’s Islands, 2nd ed., London, Cadell, 1771, p. 36.
82 Ibid., p. 64.
83 Pascoe, Graham and Pepper, Peter, op. cit., p. 8
84 Letter from Masseran to Grimaldi, November 28th, 1770 No2003, en AHN, Estado, leg. 4274 (1), p. 7.
Letter from Masseran a Grimaldi, December 3rd, 1770, No2008, in AHN, Estado, leg. 6980..
85 Letter from Frances to Choiseul, November 29th, 1770, in AECP, Angleterre, vol. 494, fols. 259-263.
86 Letter from Masseran to Grimaldi, December 9th, 1770 in AGS, Estado, leg. 6980, letter No2011
87 Letter from Masseran to Grimaldi, December 31st, 1770, AGS, Estado, leg. 6980, letter No2020.
88 Grimaldi to Masseran, January 2nd, 1771, in AHN, Estado, leg. 4261 (2).
89 Harris to Rochford, February 14th, 1771 (Record Office, State Papers, Spain, 186, No80).
90 “Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham”, Vol. IV, edited by William Stanhope Taylor, Esq, and Captain John Henry Pringle, London, A. Spottiswoode, 1840, p. 71.
91 Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Providence, U.S.A
92 Hansard, XXVI, 1385-1402.
93 “Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham”, Vol. IV, op. cit., p. 87.
94 Anecdotes of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, vol. III, ch. 39.
95 Junius: including letters by the same writer under other signatures; to which are added his confidential
correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to Mr. H.S. Woodfall; a new and enlarged edition...,  by John Wade, 2 vols., London, 1884. Letter XLII, II, 318-319.
96 Ibid., II, 343-344.
97 AGS, Estado, leg. 6980.
98 Caillet-Bois, Ricardo, op. cit. p. 148.
99 Rochford to Grantham, March 6th, 1772, British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 22, p. 1393.
100 Francisco de Escarano to Grimaldi, Fabruary 11th, 1774, in Hidalgo Nieto, Manuel,  op. cit., p. 261.
101 Rochford to Grantham, February 11th, 1774, in Goebel, Julius, op. cit., p. 456.
102 AGN Sala VII, Fondo Biblioteca Nacional, T.189.
103 Caillet-Bois, Ricardo, op. cit. p. 152.
104 Royal Order dated June 30th, 1777, in AGI, leg. Buenos Aires, 413
105 On  the  requirement  of  both  elements,  objective  (intention  to  act  as  a  sovereign)  and  subjective  (performance of acts of sovereignty), see Legal Status of Eastern Greenland, 1993, judgment, PCIJ, series A/B n° 53, pp. 45-46.
106 Notification  issued  by  Ship  Captain  of  the  Royal  Navy  and  Chief  Commander  of  the  Naval  Base  of Montevideo, José María Salazar of January 4th, 1811. Archivo General de Marina Don Álvaro de Bazán. In El Viso del Marqués (Ciudad Real) Expediciones de Indias Nr. 524. Pages 10, 11 and 12.
107 See, for example, the government agreement of April 18th, 1800 in Gómez Langenheim, A., op. cit., T. I, pp. 178-179. At the end of the period, the Commandant of the Falklands/Malvinas was also the commander of the main ship anchored at the islands.
108 AGN Sala IX 16-9-8
109 AGN Sala IX 16-9-8.
110 AGN Sala IX 17-1-3
111 See supra. Chap I,  fn 38
112 AGN Sala X 2-3-15.
113 Question  No  3,  House  of  Commons,  Foreign  Affairs  Committee,  Session  1982-1983.  Falkland  Islands, Minutes of Evidence, Monday 17 January 1983.